
Sudden Acceleration Of Crisis Decisions

Sudden Acceleration Of Crisis Decisions,chick here

Toyota recall January 21st of millions of cars because of dangerous sudden acceleration problem provides a case study in how crisis decisions can suddenly accelerate (pun intended). Chapter 18 of my book Business Decisions I discuss dealing with crisis decisions and point out that how a company makes a crisis decision can mean survival or failure. It illustrates examples of how a crisis decision should be handled, and how it can be a catastrophe if not handled appropriately. Toyota should have read my book. The way it handled this crisis decision is appalling, and it is only just beginning to see the impact of this blunder.

The keys to handling a crisis decision are to identify it early,Hogan Progetto Donna Cioccolato Bianco, take it seriously, move quickly,Hogan scarpe donna nuovo arrivo 2012 bianco Nero, and over react instead of under react. A business needs to make sure that any issue that could become a crisis filters quickly to the top, and executive management needs to be very responsive to these types of issues. This was Toyota first big mistake. Toyota first identified accelerator pedal problems with its Tundra early 2007. This should have filtered up to be a potential crisis decision: could this really be a problem and how many vehicles could have the same problem. Toyota should have investigated and tested this extremely thoroughly and changed the pedals in all vehicles, just to be cautious. Being overly cautious (over reacting) is the way a crisis decision should be made. Companies that over react to potential problems like this build a reputation of being trusted; those like Toyota won be trusted again for more than a decade. Early in 2009, a Toyota spokesman blamed customers for this sudden acceleration problem,Marrone Argento Hogan Uomo Oympia, saying that drivers were under a lot of pressure and had many distractions; were busy with the kids,Hogan scarpe donna albicocca 524, boyfriends and girlfriends; and distracted by pagers and cell phones. Later that year in August, a California Highway Patrolman and his family were killed in a sudden acceleration accident. Toyota kept its focus on floor mats (either they didn really evaluate the problem or thought floor mats were a better explanation) and vehicles were recalled to replace/fix floor mats, sometimes they were just tied down.

The day after Christmas last year, four people were killed near Dallas in a Toyota Avalon because of sudden acceleration ?and their floor mats were in the trunk. [Note: A commercial for the Toyota Prius just came on TV. We were going to buy one ?but not now.] January 21st Toyota recalled 2.1 vehicles in the US,read more, but kept selling them. Now it is required to stop selling them. For Toyota,Hogan scarpe donna albicocca 524, this crisis is now accelerating and it needs to make better crisis decisions.

So far,Hogan Uomo Oympia Scarpe Color Scuro, Toyota has made all the crisis decision mistakes. It dismissed indications of these problems without taking them seriously enough. Who made that decision? Most likely nobody; it was just ignored. When owners of Lexus sedans began reporting harrowing crashes involving stuck accelerator pedals in early 2007,Tods donne Gommino scarpe rosa, Toyota told U.S. safety regulators there was no safety problem with its floor mats -- but it would send owners an orange warning sticker just to be sure. Maybe Toyota has problems both with floor mats and the accelerator pedal; maybe the floor mats were just more easily blamed. Toyota is still making poor crisis decisions. It needs to really understand the underlying problem, come clean with its mistakes, cease selling vehicles until it overly fixes the problem, apologize for those who were killed or injured and pay restitution,Hogan Uomo Interactive Nero Bianco, and make it up to all owners of vehicles that are recalled by giving them free loaner cars and big rebates to purchase new Toyotas to offset their losses on the resale value of their cars. This will cost a lot of money, but its reputation for safety and maybe its survival are at stake here and now. 相关的主题文章:

