
Abortion Men's Point Of View

Abortion Men's Point Of View

By all rules of decency, courtesy, and simply good manners, men are expected to treat women's mistakes and downfalls with understanding and leniency. However, there are certain actions that do not fit into the traditional principle of "don't worry, darling, you did not do anything too bad, I am not upset with you". And the first one on the list of such female mistakes is,Mbt Schuhe Kipimo, undoubtedly, an abortion.

With the rarest exception (let's exclude people lacking mental health or unfamiliar with any basic ideas of goodness and morals) everyone would agree that murdering a human being is a crime, and that it is one of the most terrible crimes. Shockingly though, many women manage to justify the murder of a child.

Sadly to say,Mbt Sandalen Ema, millions of people in the world do not consider abortions a murder, and this includes both men and women. These people nod in agreement when they hear the beginning of the phrase "killing a human being is bad?,Mbt Schuhe Wingu, but start to shake their heads vigorously as a sign of absolute disagreement once they hear the end of the sentence "and therefore abortions are bad". The typical argument for abortion would be something like this: "Wait a second, abortion is not killing a person, an unborn child is not a human being, it's a fetus that does not comprehend anything, is not capable of talking or voting!!!"

Taking into account the freedom of religion protected by the Constitution, let's not appeal to the religious principles (although all traditional religions consider abortions manslaughter), instead let's turn to a strictly scientific point of view on this problem. So what does science have to say about abortion? From the scientific perspective, the human fetus that develops in the mother's womb after being conceived,MBT Changa Schuhe, almost immediately,MBT Kaya Schuhe, within the first few days, acquires its own limbs and organs of senses,Mbt Schuhe Pata, in the very rudimentary stage of course. In other words, from the very beginning it is not simply a biomass with yolk and albumen, it is a human being, even if it is only the beginning steps on its way to becoming full-grown Homo sapiens. Moreover, it has just recently become possible with the help of medical ultrasound equipment to register the fetus's biochemical brain activity even in extremely early stages of development. In simple terms, the baby starts thinking in mother's womb. Let's recall the famous saying by the "Father of Modern Philosophy" Rene Descartes - "I think, therefore I am", which leads us to a conclusion that anyone who thinks is not merely a humanlike creature, but rather a human individual. And when we perform an abortion, we perform the murder of the individual and therefore a murder of a human being.

There is another justification for an abortion that is very common among women. In the overwhelming majority women who undertook this "procedure" put all the blame for it on men. There is a variety of life circumstances, all of which come down to two words - unplanned pregnancy. A woman might have gotten raped and conceived as the result of that, but she does not want to keep the child of a degenerate man. It could be a 16-18 year old girl that got knocked up and ended up without any support from her beloved boyfriend, and she makes the decision to get an abortion partially herself and partially based on the insistent advice of her parents and relatives that she shouldn't ruin her life at its very beginning. It may be a result of adultery, when for some reason it will be impossible to present the child in 9 months and convince the husband that he is the father,hogan vendita, a woman either does not want or cannot file for divorce, so she chooses the easiest way out to make everything look as if nothing ever happened. It may be the circumstances when another baby in the family who will require additional financial expenditures is not part of the plan and threatens the husband and wife with a complicated financial condition. Examples likes these are endless...

However, almost always women justify their actions with the words "I did it because of the man". A man, a potential father in such circumstances, having learned about the pregnancy of his woman either denies her and the future baby any help or directly insists on the abortion due to the strong possibility of his life becoming really complicated. It is pointless to deny the fact that there are men like this and unfortunately there are a lot of them. However, dear women, incitement to murder and the murder itself are two completely different actions in their nature, even though it might be the same article of the criminal code. Only the incitement to abortion has not killed any kids yet, children who have not even had a chance to be born die from the step that women undertake when they cross the threshold of the specialized clinics, from the signature that women put on the documents signifying the consent to the operation, and from the gesture or word of agreement, with which women confirm their determination before the nurse puts the mask on them and puts them under anesthesia. In the question of whether to get an abortion, the final word always belongs to a woman. And therefore the main responsibility also lies on a woman.

We should always remember that the murder of a child cannot be justified with anything. There are situations when it is hard to blame a woman for getting an abortion, but there are only very few situations like that. I doubt there is a large amount of people who will condemn a woman who got an abortion due to the course of the pregnancy that turned out to be dangerous for her own health and life or after a diagnosis of a child being born with significant physical, mental or intellectual abnormalities. You cannot tell those women that what they did was absolutely right, however you also wouldn't have the heart to denounce them.

Everything else, such as an undesirable father, financial difficulties, the prospects of becoming a single mom, getting a divorce with a husband who finds out about an adultery, the cry from the heart about being too young, do not justify those women who decided to get an abortion, but on the contrary put the blame on them even more. This is the men's perspective on an abortion. We should clarify that no one takes the blame off men who urge a woman to the "easiest" solution to all the difficulties associated with the pregnancy. However, it is one thing when she is 2 hours late for the date, talks all day on the phone with her mom or her girlfriends, spends way too much money at hair and spa salons - this is where women need and should be forgiven. And it is a completely different matter when a woman goes to the doctor and gives him permission to murder a human being that lives inside of her. Related articles:

